Sunday, August 28, 2016


IT has been a happy Sabbath for our international group in two worship locations!

Our Team Indonesia seized the day and enjoyed the summer while it's here. They had a fun worship at Hattori Ryokuchi Park in Toyonaka.

Meanwhile, the Filipino group (plus Barbados, Bolivia and America) gave a special song on the combined worship. And the rest of our group spent the rest of the day with more "Revelations."

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sharing Your Testimony

LAST Sabbath, we heard a message on the power of giving the accounts of our personal experiences with God. Like the Samaritan woman at the well, sharing our encounters with Christ to others is powerful and effective in leading others to Christ.

Here's what a couple of our sisters think about the sermon given by Bro. Seth, "Twice Upon a Time."

"It's a timely and profound message that brings us close to Christ. Very practical, brief and direct to the point." -Dorah Momanyi

"Even if I don't know much about the Bible, I realized that I can still share God through my personal testimony. It's encouraging knowing that." 
-Emmie Okada

If you missed this sermon, you can check it out on our YouTube channel, OSAKA SDA.

Monday, August 8, 2016

THhe Power of Our Words

Our words can discourage or inspire, wound or heal, build up or tear down. An unknown poet wrote: “A careless word may kindle strife; A cruel word may wreck a life. A bitter word may hate instill; A brutal word may smite and kill. A gracious word may smooth the way; A joyous word may light the day. A timely word may lessen stress; A loving word may heal and bless." Solomon said it best: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Proverbs 18:21). Someone near you is fighting life’s battles at great odds. Look out for that person today. Instead of harsh words, speak words of comfort and encouragement to inspire them with hope.
Credit: Samuel Koranteng-Pipim (

Indeed, many things erroneously done may be fixed but such rarely applies to words. Wrong words may be withdrawn but too often their impact cannot. Like a broken egg splash on a floor, it can never be taken in a better shape as before. Watch your words for their impact go far than you can imagine. Jesting, unwise jokes and unnecessary statements are to be carefully guarded against. It is said of Christ that men wondered as His words, for he spoke so much unlike the people of His day. Many people we meet daily may forget our names, but few will forget the impactful words they heard us speak-- positively or negatively. GO bless your world with your words.